We’re here to help you thrive

Mission Statment

To provide rural areas with social workers equipped with support, resources, and education to navigate the intricacies of rural communities, working to overcome isolation, burnout, and aloneness by closing the gaps despite the distance.

Welcome to the Rural Social Worker - the hub for rural social workers seeking excellence. Elevate your practice with personalized clinical supervision, specialized EMDR consultation for trauma healing, and strategic business guidance. Join our community, where expertise meets empathy, and let’s make a lasting impact in rural communities together. Launch your journey with us!

Land Acknowledgement

I want to start with a Land Acknowledgment. I humbly acknowledge that I am on the ancestral lands of the Nimiipuu (Nez Perce) tribe. The Nimiipuu people have cared for and called this land home for countless generations. I express my deep respect and gratitude for their enduring connection to this territory, its waters, and its resources. In recognizing their rich cultural heritage and ongoing contributions, I commit to honoring their sovereignty and traditions. I will strive to approach my project and future projects with cultural humility, seeking to understand and integrate the wisdom and perspectives of the Nimiipuu community. In doing so, I aim to contribute to the community's well-being while upholding the Nimiipuu people's legacy for generations to come. May my actions reflect a commitment to both service and preservation, fostering a future that values and respects the unique cultural identity of the Nimiipuu tribe.